Regatta 2021 - ResultsDouglas OgilvieAug 23, 2021 1st PSC James Curley 2.0 2nd PSC Andrew Porteous 4.0 3rd PSC Sandy Rogers 4.0 4th PSC Euan MacDonald 5.0 5th PSC Audrey Robertson 9.0 6th PSC Robin MacArther 10.0 7th PSC Bill Inches 12.0 8th PSC Fiona Greig 23.0
1st PSC James Curley 2.0 2nd PSC Andrew Porteous 4.0 3rd PSC Sandy Rogers 4.0 4th PSC Euan MacDonald 5.0 5th PSC Audrey Robertson 9.0 6th PSC Robin MacArther 10.0 7th PSC Bill Inches 12.0 8th PSC Fiona Greig 23.0
Skiff Row to PerthA total of 10 St Ayles Skiffs set off from Perth Sailing Club to row to Wormit Boating Club. Conditions were ideal with blue skies and...
New Season ApproachesWell, Happy New Year everyone. The planning for the 2023 Season is all but over, and the website is in the process of being published...
Merry ChristmasThe Committee would like to wish all members and friends a Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2023. We look forward to meeting up and...